The Big Bed Transition

The crib to bed transition. Maybe it was not something that you thought about in your early days of parenting, but now… your little one is getting older and you are feeling ready to escape the crib and transition to the big kid bed.

Guess what? I am here to help!

We will discuss in this blog

  • When to make the transition…

  • How to make the transition…


There can be a few different reasons it is time to make the transition.

  1. Little one has outgrown the crib…

    1. This is a thing. IT can happen. I remind parents to seek out their crib manual and find out what the height and weight limits are.

    2. Because 9/10 your kid is NOT outside of the weight and height limits, but sometimes they are.

  2. Little one is three or older and it is something you and your spouse are ready to do.

    1. I always tell my parents… WAIT until age three. But, what I also, want to say is… WAIT until age three and, your child has the maturity to understand what is expected of them.

    2. Every child is different and you will know their personality.

  3. Crib Climber… and you have exhausted all other avenues to keep them safe.

    1. Dropped the crib mattress? All the way to the lowest setting and sometimes even to the floor.

    2. Sleep Sack, backwards? Child is unable to get the sleep sack unzipped.

    3. Tried out a color system? Green means up for the day, yellow means wait for mommy and red means stay in bed!


Whether you have a crib climber, child that is mature enough for the change, or you feel it is something your family is ready to commit to…. always, always follow these three steps.

Step 1: Control

  • Let your little one feel in control.

    • Let them go with you if you are going to pick out their new bed.

    • Let them have choices in the comforter or new pillow cases for their bed.

I know this can seem silly, but if your little one is sensitive to change they may feel as if, you have made this decision without considering their feelings.

Step 2: Conversations

  • Lots of Conversations.

    • Create visuals for them.

    • Look up big kid beds.

    • IF they have older siblings show them where their big sibling sleeps.

Throwing something on your little one, especially if they are older, may cause them to be overwhelmed. Also, please remember that your child is going to want to get out of bed- we need to ensure that their room is safe for this to happen.

  1. Treat the room as their crib

    1. How? By ensuring if they get out of bed- they are safe. They cannot climb furniture and get hurt. They are unable to get into cords from monitors or blinds.

  2. Let them have contol

    1. If your child falls asleep beside the door- that is OKAY!

      1. They will quickly learn that their bed is more comfortable.

Step 3: Color System

  • Visual cue that it is time to sleep or time to wake.

    • Hatch Sound Machine and Color System is perfect for this cue.

      • Green means it is okay to be awake, but stay in bed… Parents are coming soon.

      • Yellow means, it is okay for you to be awake, but parents are not coming yet. You can grab your book of the nightstand and read quietly, or play with your snuggies.

      • Red, it is time for sleep.

  • We never want to use the words, “don’t get out of bed.” This tells them, “OH I CAN GET OUT?”

  • When making this transition from crib to bed we don’t want to reiterate to them that the walls of confinement are gone, so they can escape. Rather we want them to know that it is still expected of them to be in their beds until their parents come.

  • Them learning they can escape comes with age. Closer to 6-7.

Again, remember… be sure to know that your kid is ready to make the transition. Don’t jump into it because a new little one is approaching. Purchase a pack n play, let them newborn sleep in the newborn insert pack n play until they make the crib transition.

We can put things in place to ensure your little one does not envy the new baby because they stole their safe bed space!

If you can’t seem to keep your little one in their bed or making the transition seems scary, let’s chat with a FREE call.


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