Day One: Healthy Sleep

Why do I advocate, very strongly, for setting up healthy sleep for our children, as early as possible?

Because what you do NOW sets up your future and your child’s future.

HOW do I know that? The research. If you want insight on where I will be pulling information from, check out the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, by Marc Weissbluth, M.D.

Dr. Weissbluth discusses 6 important elements that are dependent upon one another, from the very beginning of your child’s life, to help create a healthy sleeper!

Grab your beverage of choice and dive into these 6 elements that create a healthy sleeper…

Element 1:

  • Total sleep: daytime & night time.

    • This all depends on the age and temperament of the child. I can give you set wake windows to follow, but it takes dedication and practice to see what works best for your child. If you want a good sleeper during the night, you need a great sleeper during the night. Vice Versa!

Element 2:

  • Naps:

    • Prioritizing healthy naps/ age appropriate naps ensures that your little one is not becoming overtired, but also knowing that some naps are caught on to, by the infant, much sooner than later. Practicing NAP ONE from the beginning, is the biggest key!

Element 3:

  • Sleep Consolidation:

    • Is your child’s sleep interrupted frequently or are they able to have consolidated sleep?

      • What are ways that may be interrupting?

        • every grunt you quickly grab them?

        • not giving them 30-60 seconds to fall back to sleep?

        • siblings that are waking them?

        • Not setting up room environment?

        • Putting them down too late/ too early?

Element 4:

  • Timing of Sleep:

    • An under-tired baby and overtired are both going to sleep the same amount of time, usually short or with low quality.

      • Following WAKE WINDOWS that are age appropriate is key for 0-5 months!

Element 5:

  • Sleep Regularity:

    • Please ditch the view and saying “my child’s schedule will not dictate my schedule. It’s dumb, sorry.

    • Prioritizing sleep, majority of the time allows for your little one to be on a routine, and stay consistent. YES routines can start DAY ONE.

Element 6:

  • Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:

    • Following the guidance of the above elements, helps allow you to put safe sleep practices in place.

Interested in supporting your little one no matter their age? BOOK A FREE CALL WITH ME!

I am a firm believer that sleep deprivation never needs to takeover your home, it should have no place.

Here’s to sleeping,


Marc, Weissbluth. (2021)Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child. A New Step-by Step- Guide for a Good Night’s Sleep. Ballentine Books.


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