Bedtime Routine’s Made Simple

We all want a good night’s rest, and sometimes we forget that an actual routine, that prepares us for sleep, is the key to great sleep success!

Together, in this blog, we are going to dive into bedtime routine structures and really understand why they need to be specific, consistent and age appropriate.

Specific & Consistent…

Why do bedtime routines need to be specific and consistent?

Consistency is key to life. Think about our everyday lives. Whether that is working out, raising kids, or our working lives… consistency is how we 1. Survive and 2. See progress.

With specific bedtime routines we create habits. Whether that is healthy, or not. So, let’s discuss healthy bedtime routine habits, and really dive into specific steps to follow, to see sleep happen.

Important Info:

Each bedtime routine, no matter the age, should begin with some type of “cleaning” up. Whether that is a bath every night, wipe bath or sink bath. That first step should be your child’s cue that the bedtime routine is beginning, and a bath is a perfect first step to cue their brains.

As They Grow:

When you have a little one 0-12 Months we always want to feed before we put the pajamas on. This helps keep them wide awake.

After that 12-month mark we are saying goodbye to the bedtime feeding, and moving nursing sessions to before bedtime routine.

Each night, no matter the age, we will follow the steps below, step- by -step! This will become so habitual that your toddler will be able to tell the babysitter what is next without you needing to!

Take a look at the routines below:

0-4 Months:

  • Bath/Wipe Bath

  • diaper

  • feed

  • lotion/pajamas

  • song

  • bed

5-12 Months

  • Bath

  • Diaper/feed

  • teeth

  • lotion/pajamas

  • book

  • bed

13-18 Months

  • Bath 30 minutes after dinner

  • Diaper/Pajamas

  • 2-3 books

  • Bedtime

20 Months - 4 Years

  • Bath

  • potty

  • pajamas/teeth

  • Playtime

  • book

  • last call

  • bed

5 & Up

  • Bath/Shower

  • Potty

  • Pajamas/Teeth

  • Prepare the day for tomorrow

  • Playtime

  • Book

  • quiet-time in their room for 10-15 minutes

  • bedtime

Age Appropriate

Toddlers and Preschool aged children need to burn MORE energy than an infant. You cannot expect to keep a 20-month old on a bedtime bottle, book and bed… THEY need to burn energy.

Also, the older kiddos get the more they want to be involved. They want to feel in control. So, with your toddler let them feel in control of their bedtime routine! Are they picking out pajamas, picking their books and choosing what to play!?

If you have no idea where to start in putting a bedtime routine together, let’s chat!

Your Sleep Coach,



No!!! I Want Mommy To Put Me To Bed!!!


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